New Measures To Favour Above The Board Dealings, Participation And Control In Local Government As Within The New Law


  • Manuel Villoria Mendieta


Ley del Suelo, Gobierno local


The paper examines the New Law from a public policy standpoint Special attention is given to the role of
the Government in legislation initiatives and the creation of this novel policy option for things territorial.
After posing the question why this has been brought in precisely at this moment, the paper answers the
same in terms of the whole range of possibility windows now open which could be made much of by the
Spanish Government. Later, and in greater detail, the paper goes into the arguing used to justify the measure
taken and the discourse of beliefs that the Law enshrines when dealing with issues such as above
the board dealings and participation in and control of local governments decisions. The paper is rounded
off by a discussion of whether or not the Law tacitly voices such beliefs to justify itself. The author concludes
that is discourse of belief is indeed coherent and that furthermore that it legally embodies the
Common Weal.


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How to Cite

Villoria Mendieta, M. (2007). New Measures To Favour Above The Board Dealings, Participation And Control In Local Government As Within The New Law. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 39(152-3), 493–513. Retrieved from