The New Law and the Housing Market


  • Julio Rodríguez López


Ley del Suelo, mercado de vivienda


For the author the New Law marks a turn of tide in ground use policy. The groundswell to the legislation
hitherto in force held that high housing costs were the upshot of political restrictions upon the making available
of ground on offer. This thinking held that all that was needed was to flood the market with ground
for use and housing to bring the price of both down. The facts, it is here said, have proved this not to be so
as the market 1998-2006 offered 5.5 million housing units and the prices if these crested by 185%. The New
Law attempts a rationalizing of Town and Country Planning by encouraging a use of ground to answer the
general weal and the building of subsidised social. housing and a great cut in favour of the community of
the benefits of all sorts to be derived from urban developments.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez López, J. (2007). The New Law and the Housing Market. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 39(152-3), 481–491. Retrieved from