Rights as to Ground Usage in the New Law


  • José Ignacio Navas Olóriz


Derecho de superficie, Ley del Suelo


The author has it that a legal figure of such antiquity as the right to use ground has not enjoyed either the
social nor legal consideration to which it can patently lay claim. At various times since the middle of the previous
century a regulating of the right has been essayed but never to any happy result. A cursory reading
of the New Law’s articles would give the impression that it offered little that was new and much that was
a re-hash of what stood before but this, the author feels, in far from so. Although indeed it does reaffirm concepts
almost word for word to be found in the Royal Decree I/1992, in the same degree it resolves doctrinal
quiddities that have arisen from this as well as offering new means to make the easier any putting into effect
of the previous document.


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How to Cite

Navas Olóriz, J. I. (2007). Rights as to Ground Usage in the New Law. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 39(152-3), 441–457. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/75784