Compulsory Purchase. Sale, or Compulsory Substitution/Compensation. Government’s Real Estate Responsibilities


  • Ángel Menéndez Rexach


Expropiación forzosa, Ley del Suelo


The author here explains the nature of two of the sections of the New Law, namely the Fourth which covers
“compulsory purchase and patrimonial responsibilities” and the first chapter of the Fifth which defines
“compulsory sale and substitution”. The Fourth is said here to assure the private citizen’s property rights
as against town and country panning initiatives whilst the other aims to guarantee the fulfilling of legal requisites
and to so sets out the penalties accruing on their not being met. The latter is here felt to offer little
that is novel but is upon those few that there are the author has centred his paper. As to compulsory purchase,
these novelties in question are most marked when it comes to rights as to a reversion on such decisions
and a new figure governing a re-estimate of ground value subsequent to any modifying of the purpose to which
any land in question can be put according to its territorial administration definition. There is also new regulation
of the grounds for compulsory purchase for cases in which obligations have not been met and these
are said to but continue the doctrine established by the legislation of 1992.


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How to Cite

Menéndez Rexach, Ángel. (2007). Compulsory Purchase. Sale, or Compulsory Substitution/Compensation. Government’s Real Estate Responsibilities. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 39(152-3), 383–400. Retrieved from