The New Law From an Economic Standpoint. Sustainability and Efficiency in the Market-for-Ground’s


  • Ángel Berges
  • Emilio Ontiveros


Ley del Suelo, mercados de suelo, sostenibilidad urbana


The spiralling price rise in housing in Spain over recent decades has once more highlighted the role of ground
in this phenomenon and the way this governs the relation between itself and housing. The authors ask if it
be the high cost of ground that sends prices soaring or rather the hoarding of its availability in the belief
that prices will ever be going up for it. For them, the heart of the matter would seem to lie in the proper
character of the market for this basic commodity which does not adapt to perfect and workable market
conditions as do other essentials according to received economic doctrine. They mark down as crucial to the
issue the non-substitutability as to location of the commodity, the external conditioning factors proper to urban
growth seeing these as giving rise to a call for some manner of regulation or intervention and here hold that
the New Law attempts to meet this demand. The article offers a working through of the basic features of
the Law as seen from the market-for-ground’s standpoint and the proper characteristics of this that the law
aims to tackle so that efficiency and sustainability’s claims can here be answered and held essential as a basic
input when housing is under question.



How to Cite

Berges, Ángel, & Ontiveros, E. (2007). The New Law From an Economic Standpoint. Sustainability and Efficiency in the Market-for-Ground’s. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 39(152-3), 259–275. Retrieved from