The Effects of the European Union Regional Policy on the Scope of Infrastructures. The Contribution of the CSF to Objective 1 for Regions During 2000-2002


  • Raúl Mínguez Fuentes
  • Carolina Aguado Mariscal


Fondos estructurales, política regional, infraestructuras, convergencia


The paper explains how present-day regional policy in backward regions in the European Union is implemented
through the Communitarian Support Framework (CSF) 2000-2006. During its first triennium, it has proved
itself a strong financial injection for the fulfilling of the basic strategic targets for the Spanish regions falling
within Objective 1 of European regional policy. In particular, the explicit attention to the scope of
infrastructures in the mentioned CSF has had an outstanding influence on policies having to do with the
endowment of social and transport infrastructures in these areas of Spain. From the observation and
comparison of the evolution of infrastructures, and the boost here undergone in the period relevant and
pertinent conclusions as tot the results of the Community’s regional policy on infrastructures of territories
Objective 1 can be drawn.



How to Cite

Mínguez Fuentes, R., & Aguado Mariscal, C. (2005). The Effects of the European Union Regional Policy on the Scope of Infrastructures. The Contribution of the CSF to Objective 1 for Regions During 2000-2002. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 37(143), 21–42. Retrieved from


