A New Sort of Planning for a New Sense to Territory


  • Antonio Font Arellano


Planeamiento urbanístico, morfología urbana


The author attempts to explain the ever widening distance existing as between European urban territory
as a fact and present day urbanistic planning. He finds unconvincing the somewhat slipshod explanations
for this of certain plans nor the putting of it down to wild cat development. His interpretation of the phenomenon
is grounded rather upon the growing inadequacy of the traditional rational planning model to
meet the changes that are underway be these territorial in their nature, be they in urbanistic governance
or administration, he seeing these changes as the outcome of the vast transformations being undergone in
the economic and social structures of present-day Society. For him, we are living through the sea change
between the model of an industrial or Fordwise city and that of one driven by and for service industries, Post-
Fordish in its needs as it were. He sees this as having brought about a change in the motors of growth and
shift in gearing from that to a compact urban morphology up and on to another quite called into being by a
discontinuously structured use of space as within territory.


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How to Cite

Font Arellano, A. (2004). A New Sort of Planning for a New Sense to Territory. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 36(141-2), 561–567. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/75485