Does a Change of Century Mean a Change the Cycle? The Major Cities of Spain on the Threshold of the XXI Century


  • Oriol Nello


Grandes ciudades, ciudad dispersa, España, demografía


The paper analyses the evolution of Spain’s seven major cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Sevilla,
Malaga and Zaragoza)in terms of how each ties in with the overall national urban picture and then as
to their own and particular urban structures as within their metropolitan area as such. The author from thence
suggests the hypothesis that Spain’s major cities have, at the turn of the century, moved on towards a new
cycle in their urban developing and that this differs from the previous phases of urban concentration (1960-
1975) and dispersion (1975-1996) because of two concomitant phenomena which, to a certain degree meld
the characteristics of the previous two periods. On the one hand he observes renewed growth as within the
metropolitan zones and especially in their inner city neighbourhoods and this he puts down, in the main part,
to international migration seeing this as the upshot of Labour Market forces , while on the other hand he
also observes a continuing trend towards a dispersal of the urban fact due to migration as between the metropolitan
centres brought on by the pressures of the Housing Market.



How to Cite

Nello, O. (2004). Does a Change of Century Mean a Change the Cycle? The Major Cities of Spain on the Threshold of the XXI Century. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 36(141-2), 523–542. Retrieved from