Local Agenda 21:A Bibliographic Study of This and Analysis of the Experience as Such


  • Carmen Echebarria Miguel
  • Itziar Aguado Moralejo


Agenda 21, desarrollo sostenible, bibliografía, País Vasco


The authors here hold that there is a general agreement as to the idea that when seeking Sustainable
Development, Local Agenda 21 can be seen as a key instrument when it comes to putting into effect a
parcel of policies in favour of Sustainability at the municipal level. Born of an agreement between all
parts involved as to the question, it is here felt that a substantial body of scientific work should have been
the outcome of this and that this would allow in turn for a focusing in on and justification for said Local
Agenda 21 this leading to a high degree of implementation of the same. Notwithstanding, for the authors
and after close study of that published as to the same and an analysis of a concrete case (that of the
municipalities in the Basque Historical Autonomous Region) much is felt to be still to be done and this
despite a burgeoning will to accomplish much of great force in both.



How to Cite

Echebarria Miguel, C., & Aguado Moralejo, I. (2004). Local Agenda 21:A Bibliographic Study of This and Analysis of the Experience as Such. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 36(139), 67–88. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/75446


