Urban Regeneration in Dublin


  • Brendan Bartley
  • K. T. Shine


Política urbanística, regeneración urbana, consorcios, Dublín


In Ireland, as elsewhere in the developed world, municipal centres are adopting entrepreneurial practices,
such as place promotion, flagship projects, boosterism, and urban regeneration projects, in order to achieve
competitive advantage on the international and global stage. These practices are associated with new
economic and social policies that coincide with a shift towards new urban politics. In 1986 the Irish government
adopted a new business-friendly, macro-economic strategy and associated urban policies to achieve
urban renaissance in the capital city, Dublin. The emergence of Dublin as an ‘entrepreneurial city’ is illustrated
here by investigating the establishment and subsequent history of one such flagship project as a marker
for emerging entrepreneurial practices in Dublin. The article focuses upon the UDC’s impacts on subsequent
changes in urban regeneration policy. Urban regeneration strategy in Dublin has evolved through
counter-reactions to the initial UDC/UDP model of regeneration and in response to the changing dynamics
of Irish politics.



How to Cite

Bartley, B., & Shine, K. T. (2001). Urban Regeneration in Dublin. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 33(129), 461–474. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/75049