Criteria and proposals for fluvial zone planning and Administration


  • José María De Ureña Francés
  • Alfredo Ollero Ojeda


Ríos, riberas, dinámica fluvial, ordenación del territorio


The planned use of fluvial zones is a complex issue as yet not fully encompassed in Spain, we are told . The paper offers suggestions for answering this lacuna by establishing the criteria that might form the framework of reference for this and offer thence a model for both the planning and definition of such areas as well as coastlines, this to the end of preserving the character a natural dynamics of these be they in an urban or rural context . Such a model, we are further told, besides implying a marked change in the way rivers and land adjacent to water courses is put to use and contemplated administratively, would call not only for greater spatial scope and continuity but also for a more flexible defining of its subject matter as this must be subject to change through time and circumstance, and, first among the latter, the very nature of fluvial dynamics .



How to Cite

De Ureña Francés, J. M., & Ollero Ojeda, A. (2000). Criteria and proposals for fluvial zone planning and Administration. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 32(126), 689–710. Retrieved from


