Model for the integration of constructions into the urban environment: Plaza Elíptica (Madrid)




Urban Environment, Intermodal transportation hub, Plaza Elíptica, Madrid


The current challenge for cities is focused on sustainability and this will require a great pact to find positive synergies between territories. Reciprocity between urban environments and society means that the latter must be able to understand what the city needs and that citizens must identify the city scenario they want. With regard to the configuration of public space, the analysis of urban transport projects is crucial because of their great potential to influence the configuration of cities. In this article, we propose to analyse a model, originally designed for the integration of projects in the non-urban environment, for urban environments. The aim is to systematise any activity that allows the planner, designer or manager to follow integration criteria. The integration criteria are also valid and reasonable questions to be asked for urban environments, since in most cases projects implemented in the city are mirrors of activities carried out in the non-urban environment. In particular, the case of the Plaza Elíptica Transport Interchange in Madrid is studied, and it turns out to be a project integrated in the urban environment to which it belongs, as it responds positively to the criteria of the model. Its infrastructure is a reasonable activity and is correctly located.


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How to Cite

Rosado-García, M. J., & Gonçalves, A. (2024). Model for the integration of constructions into the urban environment: Plaza Elíptica (Madrid). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(220).