Pedestrian streets: investigating the impact on public life and the activity in the ground floors in Torrelodones, Spain




Pedestrian areas, Social activities, Economic activities, Walkability, Active mobility


Pedestrianization usually involves the redesign and layout transformation of those streets involved. This article investigates its effects on human activity, in the case of the small Madrilenian town of Torrelodones (Spain). To do so, we analyze and compare the pedestrian flows, the stationary activities in the public space, and the activity of the ground floors of the adjacent buildings, in three different moments. First, in 2013, before the redevelopment carried out in 2014-15, but with motor traffic already restricted in the affected street. Two years later, in 2017, and five years later, in 2022, to investigate the situation in the short and medium term. The study shows a significant increase in stationary activities, especially in outdoor catering, which continues in the following years, transforming the uses of adjacent premises.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Apilánez, B., Fernández-Muñoz, S., & Solís-Trapero, E. (2024). Pedestrian streets: investigating the impact on public life and the activity in the ground floors in Torrelodones, Spain. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(220).