Influence of the built environment on insecurity perception and walking preference from a gender perspective
Built environment, Insecurity perception, Walkability, Travel dissonances, GenderAbstract
This study focuses on gender differences in perceived insecurity in walking in an apparently safe and walkable urban environment, such as the city of Granada. It examines elements of the built environment and social factors that discourage walking. The data come from questionnaires to university students in 2020 and 2022. Quantitative methodology with Non-Linear Analysis of Principal Components, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Mann Whitney U Test was used. Results show the relevance of environmental and social factors in the perception of insecurity for both genders, although women perceive greater level of insecurity and adopt avoidance and confrontational tactics, including stopping walking in situations of perceived risk. Perceived insecurity, even in cities with low crime rates, is a factor that needs to be considered in urban policies.
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