Designing the 15-Minute City at Street Level: a Bottom-Up Analysis of Social Proximity




15-minute city, Proximity, Street design, Social interaction in public space, New urbanism


The 15-Minute City is based on Density, Proximity, Diversity and Digitalization. Proximity, both spatial and temporal, is closely linked to social interaction and vitality. This article examines, four streets in Madrid following a bottom-up approach and ausing a quantitative and qualitative methodology to identify what factors that most influence street-level social interaction and their connection to the social proximity aspect of the model. The aim is for the results to guide the design of streets aligned with the 15-minute concept, i.e., vibrant and conducive to social interaction. Factors such as the spatial layout of the street, the presence of urban furniture, and the availability of services and amenities are crucially relevant. Although the streets of Madrid can accommodate Moreno's model in terms of social proximity, some shortcomings are identified.


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How to Cite

Brownrigg Gleeson, M. L. ., Monzón, A., & Alonso, A. (2024). Designing the 15-Minute City at Street Level: a Bottom-Up Analysis of Social Proximity . Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(220).