Yearning for an Intermodal Central Station: «Ponent-Horta Gran», the most effective Camp de Tarragona Intermodality


  • Juan Manuel Zaguirre-Fernández Doctor Arquitecto. Profesor e Investigador. Centre de Recerca Urbana del Camp (CRUC). Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura. Universitat Rovira i Virligi (URV). Reus-Tarragona



Camp de Tarragona, Central Station, Railway, Intermodal, Horta-Gran


In Tarragona, the Railway Network layout and disputed location of its stations continues to generate controversy, which has been accumulating from XIX century second half. Apparent reason lies in the difficult production of Reus-Tarragona infrastructural link, but a historical, socio-economic and morphological analysis of this proximity of interests and opportunities shows that, if the current triangulation of routes acts as a link, as an excuse and as a basis to take in much of the economic and social development of Camp de Tarragona, the opportunity brought in by the tangencies between these infrastructures can generate a greater connectivity and projection still not acknowledged by local agents. The research concludes that the answer to this demand for interconnections is to explore the most effective intermodality form. And in this sense, the tangency routes around the new urban centrality «Ponent-Horta Gran» freight station have the most effective flow combinations for commuter trains, buses, cars, those of the recently opened railway line and the dynamics of locating a Intermodal Central Station in a more urban environment.


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How to Cite

Zaguirre-Fernández, J. M. (2024). Yearning for an Intermodal Central Station: «Ponent-Horta Gran», the most effective Camp de Tarragona Intermodality . Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(222), 1327–1350.