Defensive infrastructures: morphological classification of Hispanic urban walls in America
City walls, Urban morphology, Latin America, UrbanismAbstract
The most representative defensive infrastructures of the Hispanic urbanism in America were the urban walls, predominantly linear barrier elements that protected some of these settlements. The present investigation studies this subject, with the objective of morphologically classifying the Hispanic urban walls in America from their plan form. For this, we tried to identify all the cases of permanent fenced enclosures made by the Spanish Empire in America, and to make a morphological, comparative and typological analysis of the cases. As a result, 18 urban settlements that had the condition studied were identified, classifying each of the cases among four basic types. It was diagnosed that most of these walls had irregular shapes, many times adapted to the characteristics of the geography. In the same way, a singular presence of cases of partial walls was observed, that did not form a closed enclosure, but that effectively fulfilled their function of defensive infrastructure.
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