Cinema as a territory promoter: contributions of the Spain Film Commission network to the Spain Country Brand
Marca España, Territorial Brand, Film Commission, Spanish Cinema, Web Quality IndexAbstract
This paper studies the image of Spain and its communication from the web pages of the Spanish film commissions. After reviewing the literature, six experts from different Spanish entities are interviewed to extract several keys that shape the value proposition of Spain: “Spanish personalities”, “Spanish talent”, “locations”, “diversity”, “economic factor” and “relationship with other film commissions”. These keys are included in a consolidated web analysis matrix, which is adapted for the case of analysis of the web pages of the Spanish film commissions network. Results show that, despite the advantages offered by the cultural sector when it comes to promoting perceptions about territories (and their commercial development), these institutions do not sufficiently exploit the national value proposition in terms of developed content, noting lower use of the value proposition of Spain as a brand.
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