Pleistocene Glacial fluctuations and chronology in the Pas Mountains (Cantabrian Mountains)


  • Enrique Serrano Cañadas
  • Manuel Gómez Lende
  • Juan José González Trueba
  • Valenti Turu
  • Xavier Ros


Glacial Geomorphology, Pleistocene glaciations, Last Glacial Maximum, Cantabrian Range


This work shows the glacial evolution of the Pas Mountains, in the Eastern Cantabrian Mountains, studied by glacial landforms and deposits and dating made on intramorainic peat bog and till. The external morainic complex (S-I) shows a glacial extension maximum before 29.150-28.570 cal a BP. A second glacial advance and equilibrium (S-II) have been studied in all massif, with glaciers reaching similar position to the previous phase. Finally, two phases (S-III and S-IV)with very small glaciers developed in the cirque. The last equilibrium glacial phase has been attributed to Late Pleistocene cold phases, previous to Tardiglacial ones. Dating in Pas Mountain are in agreement with previous dating in the Cantabrian Range and bears out the existence of a glacial maximum, previous to the European LGM.


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