Partito Democratico: From reformist’s party to failed party. A first Assessment (2007-‍2019)


  • Luciano M. Fasano Università degli studi di Milano



The story of the Partito Democratico provides an important glimpse of the transformations that have affected the Italian political and party system over the past decade. Born by merger of the two main parties of the center-left coalition, DS and Margherita, which for twenty years have been protagonists together with Berlusconi’s center-right in the bipolar evolution of Italian politics, a dozen years after its birth act, the PD is a party whose political project has yet to be considered undetermined and uncomplete. In this article a first balance of this experience is outlined, through the reconstruction of the different political phases lived by the PD, from his birth act (2007) to 2019, trying to indicate the main causes that have so far influenced its alternating events, from the debut to 2018 National elections until the electoral defeat of 2018 and the limited recovery of consensus that occurred in the 2019 European and Regional elections.



