The normalization of Vox and its day-to-day ideology. Banal nationalism and overflowing daily life


  • David H. Corrochano Universidad Complutense de Madrid



This article understands how a political party builds a day-to-day ideology, that is, an identity and a narrative to participate in face-to-face conversations, in which to display the party’s doctrines in a normalized, implicit way and applied to an everyday life in accordance with these doctrines. This process, which takes place in the culture war context, is analyzed through Vox’s YouTube propaganda for the sake of understanding how they have transferred their patriotic alarm to an everyday discourse explained by banal nationalism. A patriotic deixis device is used to accomplish this, by constructing a common-sense bearing an Us as opposed to a Them, placing these subjects in a warlike metaphor, as well as in a familiar one that give them meaning and show that this narrative can be deployed and used to understand face-to-face situations, since it appears realistic, presentable and it anchors relationships. Resulting in the normalization of Vox’s ideology in conversation, at least regarding propaganda and behavioral regions.



