The inescapable public and civic monitoring of informative transparency in Spain


  • María Díez-Garrido Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Spain has a scarce culture of transparency, so the Law 19/2013 of transparency, access to public information and good government took longer to arrive than in other countries. Since then, there has been an effort by public institutions to launch open data portals that are accessible. In this context, the evaluation of transparency becomes necessary to ensure that the right of citizens to access public information is fulfilled and to guarantee that the information is of good quality. In Spain, there are very different models for monitoring transparency. From the public point of view, there is the Council for Transparency and Good Governance and several transparency commissioners set up in some autonomous communities. On the other hand, there are various transparency indexes that evaluate with indicators the information published by the institutions. In this article, we will study the current situation of the evaluation of transparency in Spain, analyze the failures and highlight necessary improvements to this system.



