The Radical Gravitation: CasaPound Italia and the Fascism of the third millenium


  • Matteo Re Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



This article analyses the evolution of the far right movement CasaPound Italia, from its origin to the 2018 general elections. In order to depict the link between fascism, four different facets have been taken into consideration: a) the characteristics of the Italian fascism before the beginning of the dictatorship and also during its Republican stage; b) the psychological backlash the neofascists experienced after their defeat in the Second World War; c) the dissident aspects of traditional neofascism represented by the former political party Movimento Sociale Italiano, focusing on the more common features within CasaPound Italia; d) the influences of the French Nouvelle Droite and the Italian extraparliamentary right. Subsequently the origin of the organization and its political participation within the context of the right wing systemic crisis and the reorganisation between 2008 and 2018 is discussed. Finally, details regarding the movement’s main ideological patterns are provided, in addition to an analysis of its political program. To sum up, not only have certain links between traditional fascism and neofascism been substantiated, light has also been shed on the modernization of those aspects that the CasaPound Italia militants depicted as third millennium fascism.



