Counter-revolutionary perceptions. October 1934 in the correspondence of General Sanjurjo


  • Fernando del Rey


Counter far right, second Spanish republic, October revolution of 1934


Based on the personal correspondence of General Jose Sanjurjo Sacanell, this article analyzes the perceptions, comments, and political opinions expressed by the circle of friends that surrounded him, most of whom were linked to the extreme anti-Republican right. Many of these individuals were leading figures of the political, economic, and military worlds. The period analyzed extends from the release of Sanjurjo from prison in April 1934 to the months immediately following the October 1934 insurrection by the Socialists and Catalan republicans, an event that proved crucial in the history of twentieth-century Spain. The text highlights the concern, the vulnerability, and the obsessiveness with which these people lived through this grave political moment, but also their hope that this might provide them with the opportunity to complete their strategy of undermining and ultimately overthrowing republican democracy.

