The beehive as a political metaphor: Hobbes’ critique of Aristotelian naturalism


  • Miguel Saralegui Benito


Metaphor, beehive, Aristotle, Hobbes


From the very beginning of Western political thought, the metaphor of the beehive has been used as a way to represent the political society. A use of this image can be found even in the first book of Aristotle’s Politics. Hobbes rejects the validity of this metaphor in order to analyze this critic in full detail —main scope of this article—, Hobbes’s theory of the metaphor will be explained, along with the way Hobbes reads Aristotle and the motives that lead him to reject the metaphor. This article will not only illuminate the way Hobbes relates himself with his principal classical source, but will also show one of the main differences that separate classical and modern political thought. 

