Concertation in the formulation and implementation of regional and local housing policies


  • Manuel Zafra Víctor


Housing, urban planning, municipal powers, coordination


This article deals with the new housing policies established after the reform of the Autonomy Statutes and after the housing legislation passed by Regions like Catalonia and Andalusia. This legislation is quite recent, and it makes it compulsory to Municipalities to adopt a Local Housing Plan. Therefore, these new policies need the interaction of at least two governments, the regional one and the municipal one: each one has its own margin for establishing priorities regarding housing, its own legal powers and regulations, its own specific plans and programmes. All this leads to reconsider the framework within which both governments connect and coordinate their housing policies, at all levels (diagnosis, establishing priorities, elaborating and passing the housing plans, implementing them). It will be suggested that some guidelines should be followed, based on negotiation and on mutual respect of shared powers, and aimed at protecting the municipal powers from the Regional financial and political superiority.


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