Between the solution and the problem: management of metropolitan areas in Spain


  • Raquel Ojeda García
  • Erika Jaráiz Gulías
  • Nieves Lagares Díez


Metropolitan areas, public management, public service, governance


The current economic crisis has spurred a debate on the reform of the Spanish territorial model and the improvement of the management of local public services. A debate that will attempt to be resolved in a legislative amendment that power the supramunicipal management by strengthening the role of the councils. In this context arises again the debate around the metropolitan areas and their management. Metropolitan areas have become «political arena» where decisions are made on fundamental aspects for the life of the citizens, with heavy public expenditure, but who remain away from those. The cases of Barcelona and Vigo will help us to analyse the variables that determine the success of the institutionalization of metropolitan areas and the management of public services.

