Distribution and Trend in Tuberculosis by Age Groups and Municipalities in the Province of Havana City, Cuba (1986-1998)


  • Susana Borroto Gutiérrez
  • Luis Armas Pérez
  • Edilberto González Ochoa
  • Otto Peláez Sánchez
  • Ana Luisa Arteaga Yero
  • José Sevy Court


Background: The province of Havana City, the capital and most densely populated city in Cuba, totals around 27% of the new cases of tuberculosis. This luticle is for the purpose of describing the distribution and trend of the tuberculosis cuses yates from 1986 to 1998, by municipalities and age groups in this province. Mcthod: A calculation was made of the rates and of the total percentage of deviation of these rates, in addition to the annual average deviation both throughout two time periods and between the two (1986- 1993 and 1994-1998). The trends were culculated by simple linear regression. Results: Throughout the 1986- 1993 period, the cuse rate for this province underwent a 6% increze. Throughout the 1994- 1998 period, it dropped by 7.3%. The three most denselypopulated cities showed a higher rate increase. Of the 15 municipahties, only La Lisa showed a drop in the mtes throughout the entire period in question. The mtes by ages were similar throughout ;11o1f the municipalities. being higher for individuals > 6.5y ears of age. Six tenths (0.6%) of the c;Lsesre ported involved people under 15 yeais of age. The infantile tuberculosis rates were very low for the time period under analysis. Conclusions: The differences among the municipalities in question muke it necessary for different measures to be taken to achieve a greater impact and repercussion in Cuba. The drop in the rates detected over the last three years is indicative of the epidemic being brought under control and the nütional tuberculosis control program being reinstated.



