Toxoplasmosis in Spain, analysis of hospitalizations during the period 1997-2018


  • Rosa Mª Estévez Reboredo


Background: Toxoplasmosis is a systemic infectious disease. Infection is acquired by ingestion of Toxoplasma gondii cysts or by vertical transmission mother-to-child during pregnancy (congenital toxoplasmosis). In Spain, the prevalence shows wide variability depending on the region and the study. The incidence in other European countries evidences a decline in recent years. The aim of this study was to characterize the presence and the epidemiological patterns of the disease in the Spanish population with information obtained of hospitalized cases with a diagnosis of toxoplasmosis at discharge.

Methods: The interactive platform of the Specialized Registry (RAE-MBD) of the Ministry of Health was used to obtain data on hospital discharges with “toxoplasmosis” diagnosis. Frequencies and rates of hospital discharges were calculated according to sex, age groups, region and diagnosis at discharge. Sequence graphs were generated to analysed the temporal evolution of the number of hospitalizations. The trends and slopes of the RHs were analyzed using “joinpoint” regression models, estimating the mean annual percentage change (PCAM) in the RHs and its 95% confidence interval.

Results: There were 13,704 cases with toxoplasmosis diagnosis at discharge, (58%) were men. The highest hospitalization rate (RH) was in the 15-44-year-old men group (5,804 discharges and HT=2.52). During the period studied a decrease in the number of discharges was observed, it was progressive and affected all the autonomous regions, being more pronounced in men (81.9% vs 63.9%).

Conclusions: The number of hospitalizations in Spain decreased substantially during the studied period (1997-2018), similar to other European studies reported. The decrease was progressive and mainly affected men between 15-44 years.



