The Contribution of companies to the COVID-19 pandemic control


  • Helena Morales de Labra


COVID-19 has tested the resilience and adaptability of governments, workers and companies. We have lived through very harsh circumstances, with social and economic consequences that we could never have imagined, but it has also been shown that civil society works and that it has been up to the task, with companies at the forefront. They have made a great effort to adapt to the new and exceptional situation, playing a very important role in preventing and slowing down the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, and in establishing economic and social agreements to mitigate the effects of the crisis. This article describes how companies have had to face this situation in economic and preventive matters, the difficulties experienced due to the changing behavior of the pandemic, the agreements reached with the Government and other social partners in matters of employment and social reform and the important role of Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations Foundation (CEOE), Insurance associations and Prevention Services in the fight against COVID-19.



