Study of workers with vulnerability to COVID-19 in teaching staff of Palma de Mallorca
Background: During this year, in relation to the health crisis triggered by COVID-19, a total of 532 people have been evaluated by the Teaching Staff Prevention Service of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Balearic Islands, most of them which were women, as is usually the case in the teaching community. After some time of reflection, there are some questions that we would like to answer, such as knowing the most frequent pathologies with vulnerability to COVID-19 in our service and the work adaptations made. To answer these questions, we carried out this descriptive study.
Methods: This study was made with sample of 508 people from Prevention Service of teachers during the course 2020-2021. We studied differences between sex, age, job, developed actuation, pathology. Statistical calculations were performed with Libreoffice’s numerical calculation processor.
Results: From the several pathologies included among the vulnerable groups to COVID-19 according to the Health Ministry, the one with more prevalence is chronic pulmonar disease (25.39%).
Conclusions: The pulmonar disease is the most frequent in our study, but due to the presence of many workers with pluripathology, this datum should be keepen in mind with some caution.