Patterns of electronic cigarette and tobacco heating products use in Spain


  • Karen Lizzette Ramírez-Cervantes


Background: The new tobacco related products (TRP) have modified the smoking patterns, which have been scarcely evaluated by independent studies. Our objective was to describe the patterns of electronic cigarette (e-cig) and tobacco heating products (THP) use among Spanish population.

Methods: An electronic survey aimed to population who had used at least once in their lifetime e-cigs or THPs was used to gather personal data, patterns of e-cig and THP use, as well as risk perceptions and intention to quit these products. Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to analyze qualitative and non-parametric quantitative variables, respectively, establishing statistical significance if p values <0.05.

Results: The responses of 175 subjects were included. From them, 107 had consumed e-cig, 33 THP and 35 both devices. The daily use was more common among THP users, who were older than e-cig and both devices’ consumers (median age 43 vs 38 vs 35 years old, p=0.013). Of the overall group, 94% referred to have smoked conventional cigarettes at least once in their lifetime, and from them 36% referred a daily cigarette consumption at the time of the survey. Regarding the risk perception of the TRP, 70%, 55% y 63% of the subjects that had used e-cig, THP, and both devices, respectively, considered that these products were less harmful for their own health than conventional cigarettes. Concerning their intention to quit any tobacco product, 51% and 64% of e-cig and THP users respectively, showed interest in quitting these devices.

Conclusions: The previous and current conventional cigarettes use is frequent among TRPs consumers. The risk perception of these products is low; however, a considerable intention to quit these products is reported.



