Impact of the chronic disease care program on social determinants of health in Asturias


  • Ana Fernández-Feito


Background: Providing care for people with chronic diseases is a challenge requiring institutional programs and strategies, thus it necessary to evaluate the impact of the same on the social determinants of health (SDH). The aims were: 1) to describe the impact of the structural determinants of the Health Strategy for the Population with Chronic Diseases (EAPEC) in Asturias and 2) to propose actions for improvement regarding social stratification factors. Methods: Qualitative study of six strategic programs of the Chronic Disease Strategy: Health Observatory, Social and Healthcare Coordination, School for Patients Program, Caregivers Program, Mental Health Services Continuity, and Quality and Safety in Healthcare. A screening tool was used, validated for evaluation of the health impact on the structural determinants (socioeconomic and political context and social stratification factors) of the SDH. A personal semi-structured interview was carried out with the manager of each program in 2016, and a final report was produced that included the impacts found and proposals for improvement. Results: All programs had a positive impact on social values (social justice, equity) and the state of wellbeing (social and educational policies). In terms of social stratification, the principal positive effects included age and functional diversity. Regarding the factors linked to geographic location, gender, origin/ethnicity, and social class the principal effects were negative. Conclusions: This strategy aimed at people with chronic diseases has positive effects. However, paying attention to social stratification factors during implementation of the same is a priority.



