HEALTHY JEART: adolescent health promotion through mobile devices


  • Carmen Yot-Domínguez
  • Carmen Yot-Domínguez


To make health promotion campaigns more effective, the motivation of the people to whom they are directed is required, what can be achieved by gamification through electronic devices. There are no known experiences in Spanish that address the promotion of health from a generalist perspective and not only focused on very specific issues. For this reason Healthy Jeart is created. It is an app for smartphones and tablets, aimed at a population between 8 and 16 years old, whose objective is the promotion of healthy habits on a physical, social and psychological level. Its content has been designed by professors from the universities of Huelva and Seville (Spain). The thematic areas that comprise it are: physical exercise, nutrition, physical well-being, psychological well-being, affective-sexual relationships, use of new technologies and toxic substances and addictions. In 2018 it achieved a certification granted by the Agency of Sanitary Quality of Andalusia as a healthy app.



