Comparative study of the assaults to professionals in primary care against specialized care, in the aragón health service during the year 2018


  • María Isabel Serrano Vicente


Background: The risk that health personnel have of being assaulted in the workplace is not homogeneous. Factors such as professional category, level of care or service, modulate their probability. The objective of this work was to analyze the aggressions registered by the Servicio Aragonés de Salud professionals, comparing the characteristics of those that occurred in primary care with those that took place in specialized care during 2018.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was made, carried out using the information available in the Aragon aggression registry database, during the year 2018. The study variables included sociodemographic characteristics of the people attacked, type of aggression, level of assistance and sick leave. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables and mean and standard deviation for the quantitative ones; the relationship between the variables was made using the Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square tests.

Results: 236 assaults were registered, of which 75.4% took place in AE. The average age was 45 years. Doctors were more attacked in primary care, while nursing staff was more attacked in specialized care. In primary there were more verbal attacks, while in specialized there were more physical attacks.

Conclusions: Occupational violence suffered by health professionals change depending on the level of care, where a higher incidence of assaults is observed in specialized care. It is necessary to establish improvements in the registry of aggressions in Aragón, to improve the prevention and safety of workers.



