Maternal and neonatal consequences of coronavirus COVID-19 infection during pregnancy
a scoping review
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new pathology, declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization, which can have negative consequences for pregnant women and their newborns. The aim of this study was to explore the available knowledge on the consequences of developing COVI-19 in pregnant women and their neonates. Methods: Scoping Review, in which the search for articles was conducted using DeCS (“pregnancy”, “coronavirus”, “health”) and MeSH (“pregnan*”, “pregnant women”, “coronavirus”), linking the terms with the Boolean AND operator. Databases used were Web of Science, Scopus, BVS, Scielo and CUIDEN. In addition, the PRISMA methodology was applied. Results: Ten studies were identified that assessed maternal and neonatal health after maternal COVID-19 infection. Pregnant women seem to had no serious symptoms. Neonates appeared to be affected to a greater extent. A death was reported in a premature newborn whose mother had COVID-19 pneumonia. There did not appear to be vertical transmission from mother to child. Nevertheless, this information was not conclusive. Conclusions: COVID-19 appears to be more benign with pregnant women than with their neonates.