Evaluation of programs to reduce alcohol consumption in Spain

a pending issue


  • Borja García-Lorenzo


Background: To evaluate preventive interventions on alcohol consumption has been long recommended in Spain. The impact evaluation of structured programs and specific actions for the prevention and treatment of alcohol consumption (PAPTCA) would allow making better informed decisions on public health financing based on the efficiency criteria. To the best of our knowledge, there is no scientific document that illustrates the situation of the PAPTCAs’ evaluation in Spain. This paper aims to classify and describe PAPTCAs in Spain, focused on their impact evaluation and information on financing for accountability to society. Methods: A systematic literature review of the PAPTCAs implemented in Spain, from 2000 till 2017, at regional (autonomous communities) and local level was carried out, and a descriptive analysis of the PAPTCA database obtained from the literature review was carried out. Results: 145 structured programs and 45 specific actions were identified. Only 25% of structured programs provided an impact evaluation, besides, only 15% presented some information about their financing. Regarding the specific actions, the numbers were less encouraging where 10% provided an impact evaluation while a similar figure of PAPTCAs showed financing information. Conclusions: There is a need to systematize the information of the PAPTCA that serves as an instrument to conduct impact evaluations in Spain. This should ease the scarce presence of evaluative culture in this area and promote the accountability of resources spent on public health to society.



