Spanish registry of Covid-19 screening in asymptomatic pregnants


  • María Begoña Encinas Pardilla


Background: The Spanish registry of Covid-19 in Spanish pregnant women, made up of 100 centers, is created in response to the need to know the morbidity that Covid-19 generates in pregnant women and their newborns, to know the real incidence of the disease in this population group and to establish and monitor the package of measures to improve their care. The aim of this paper was the creation of a registry of pregnant women with Covid-19 infection in order to establish the interventions and measures necessary to improve the care of these patients during hospital admission.

Methods: To prepare the registry, the main researcher of each center collected weekly / biweekly the number of total pregnant women screened, as well as the total number of positive and negative, sending these data to the responsible researchers so that it could be available in real time of the percentage of infected asymptomatic pregnant population and the evolution by weeks in the centers of each participating province. The data were analyzed using the linear regression test and the Mantel test.

Results: As of May 31st 2020, 16,308 screening tests were carried out in these hospitals, in which 338 pregnant women were positive, which translates into 2.07% (95% Confidence Interval: 1.86-2.30) of the asymptomatic pregnant women we attended in our centers were carriers of the virus and could develop the disease in subsequent days.

Conclusions: The Spanish epidemiological registry allows us to know the incidence of infection in pregnant women attended in the Spanish delivery centers, as well as the weekly and / or fortnightly evolution of the same, observing a significant decrease in the proportion of positive pregnant women over the total of screenings throughout this period, with an average of 6.5% in early April 2020 to an average of 0.93% positive in late May 2020.



