Evaluation of the Implementation of the FAPACÁN Programme to Prevent Cancer Behavioural Risk in Primary Care Users in the North of Spain


  • Mª Luisa López González
  • Jose Manuel Fernández Carreira
  • Santiago López González
  • Mª del Olivo del Valle Gómez
  • Juan Bautista García Casas
  • Antonio Cueto Espinar


Background: The evaluation of the process is an essential condition to correctly measure the impact of educational interventions on behaviour, its psychosocial determinants and the state of change, in the context of health promotion. The aim was to evaluate the quality of the implementation of the FAPACAN Programme, designed to prevent behavioural risk of cancer in Primary Care, and to improve its psychosocial determinants in the A.S.E. Model and the state of change according to Prochaska and DiClemente Theory. Methods: The quality of implementation was measured by means of a visit to the health centre, by filling in a checklist in situ , and a phone survey with the patient. Centralisation and association measures were found ( Pearson and Spearman s coefficient). A multiple regression model was obtained with the score made by the patient (range of 0 to 8) and the covariables: gender, age, level of education, locality and family history of cancer. Results: The quality scores obtained oscillate between 72% and 81% of optimum quality. Significant differences were found owing to the administrator (better with fewer years of exercise) and the patient (better with higher level of study). Conclusions: In general, the quality of implementation was more than sufficient, in spite of the poor provision by the health system.



