Communication and Information Technologies in Public Health: Excess and its Scarcities. A critique of the possible side-effects of the current use of communications


  • Luis David Castiel
  • Carlos Álvarez-Dardet


and information technologies in health and the implications thereof for Public Health theory and practice. The idea of excess and it scarcities is invoked from the sociological perspectives of Ellul, Illich and Bauman, as a way of monitoring the changes wrought by the general use of technical objects and the communication strategies. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of scientific journalism in the dissemination of biotechnology-related subject matter. Some suggestions are also made for setting out guidelines for regulating this activity. Additionally, under the heading of framing, relevant persuasive dimensions are presented which may interfere with the modern communication-related practices in health. By virtue of the involvement of other aspects within the scope of excess and its scarcities in Public Health, such as in the case of nutrition or the emerging diseases, emphasis is placed on the role played by public health specialists in studying health-related matters from this viewpoint as perhaps one of the ways of contributing toward a global epidemiology.



