Comprension of a Document Informing Citizens as to the Benefits and Risks of Prostate Cancer Screening. A Semistructured Interview-Based Study
Background: The development of tools to aid in prostate cancer screening-related decision-making is a challenge for healthcare professionals and institutions. This study is aimed at evaluating citizen comprehension of a document prepared by experts informing as to prostate cancer screening benefits and risks. Methods: Phenomenological qualitative study conducted in Barcelona (November 2004-January 2005). The data was gathered by means of seven interviews with males within the 50-70 age range of different educational levels attended in primary care. A descriptive-narrative themebased categorical content analysis was made of the narrative discourse. Results: This document provides knowledge regarding the aforementioned aspects, although the males possessing a lower level of education point out words and concepts found difficult to understand. In all of the educational strata, the screening-related doubts entertained are due to the prostate-specific antigen not having been precisely stated, the concept most difficult to understand being that of early cancer detection possibly not being beneficial. They are of the opinion that this document is useful for what they consider as being a decision which must be made by the patient with the collaboration of the professionals. Those interviewed are satisfied with the decision made following the information furnished. Conclusions: The educational level, the locus of control and health beliefs-attitudes condition the comprehension-assimilation of the information. Citizen participation in the preparation of tools to aid in decision-making processes concerning prostate cancer screening affords the possibility of attaining more useful documents. Further research is necessary on the effects this type of information has on citizens.Downloads