A Houseman?s View of the Speciality of Family and Community Medicine (II)


  • V. Thomas Mulet
  • B. Puig Valls
  • J. Llobera Canaves
  • A. Pareja Bezares


A questionnaire was submitted to he third year residents of Family and Community Medicine. Its aim was to know their opinion, respecting the different aspects of their speciality. We obtained a high rate of response (49,5%). The majority of residents are male and 37 por 100 had finished their degree before joinning the program. The fact of choosing a residence in the Family and Community Medicine program is related to the place obtained in the ranking of Interna1 Resident Doctors and to the lack of vacances in fields thought to be more interesting. About a third of those polled state that their main reason for coosing Family and Community Medicine is vocational. If one compared their preferente for the specialty before and after the resident period, this increased. Still, the specialty?s allure is low. The majority prefer working in Public Medicine and in tasks related to medical care and the urban melieu. We put forward some suggestions that could improve this situation.



