Epidemiological Considerations on Cryptosporidiosis


  • M. D. Compañ Barco
  • A. Llopis González
  • M. M. Morales Suárez-Varela


The present article is a review of the most relevant epidemiological aspects of cryptosporidiosis. The health interest in this illness, caused by Apicomplexa protozoa, is due to its greater incidence in patients with immunological disorders, particularly those affected with AIDS. The major source of infection is the oral route, either directly or indirectly. The frecuency of infection is variable, with those under age more susceptible. The inmunological situation of the host determines the course of the illness. In immuno-competent cases, the infection either follows an asymptomatic course or presents spontaneously reverting moderate or profuse diarrhoea. In immunodepressed patients, prolonged severe diarrhoea is produced with destruction of enterocytes. In diagnosis and identification of the parasite, the modified Ziehl-Niessen tincture techniques and direct and indirect immuno-fluorescente with monoclonal antibodies presentq the best results. The search for an etiological treatment has been disappointing. Prophylaxis must be aimed at improving hygiene.



