Follow-up of Hepatitis B in the Province of Soria: 1984-1989


  • A. Campos Bueno
  • J. Baranda Rodríguez
  • E Merino Fernández
  • M. Imaz Pérez
  • R. Sánchez Arroyo
  • M. L. Almendral López
  • B. Sacristán Terroba


This is a prospective collection over the last six years of cases of infection by VHB, occurring in a province characterized by a small population (98,533 inhabitants; 9.8 inhab./km2) and by the fact that ours is the central laboratory for samples collection. The number of cases diagnosed as acute Hepatitis B was 61, with different annual values varying between 3 and 21 cases. During various screening in the same period, 116 carriers of the VHB were detected, of whom 12 are ADVP residing only circumstantially in the province. 208 partners living with carriers have been studied, resulting in the identification of 29 more carriers and 59 persons with negative HBsAg but with antibodies against VHB. The distribution by health areas reveals a high number of carriers in the region of Olvega (25 cases). Although Hepatitis B has increased with the ?high-risk activities?, we wish to stress that it continues to appear often without known cause.



