Iron Deficiency Prevalence in Blood Donors, 2001-2011
Background: Blood donation is associated with decreased iron stores in blood donors which may affect the development of physiological functions and overall health. Previous studies reported a wide variation in the prevalence of iron deficiency in this population (1% to 62%). So, we want to establish the prevalence of iron deficiency in blood donors from a systematic review of the literature. Methods: Exhaustive and reproducible search of literature in 7 databases, based in a protocol for searching in 4 languages between 2001 to 2011 with inclusion and exclusion criteria and information extraction. The analysis was based on the calculation of frequencies and specific prevalence by sex and number of previous donations, with their respective confidence intervals in Excel and Epidat (3.0). Results:Atotal of 16.979 donors, 5.096 regular, with 59% men. The prevalence of iron deficiency found was 13% (IC 95%: 12,4 to 13,4) with a range between 1% and 62%. Prevalence statistically higher was observed in women (19,56%) and repetitive donors (20,36%). Conclusion: We obtained iron deficiency prevalence in blood donors over higher risk groups like children, being higher in female and repetitive donors. That suggests the need to encouraged blood banks in the application of protocols designed to preserve healthy donors and this will result in an adequate blood supply.Downloads