Measles Outbreak in the Town of Tormaleo (Asturias)


  • I. Cortina Martínez
  • R. Hernández Mejía
  • J. Fernández Rodríguez
  • A. Cueto Espinar


Background: We have studied a measles outbreak in the town of tormaleo. The number of cases went beyond all the expectations and tendencies of the disease in the area. As a great proportion of the cases were older children, we thought it appropiate to inquiere into it, as well as to evaluate the vaccine affectiveness. Methods: The research was carried out retrospectively, at the end of the epidemic, in a cohort retrospective study. The chidren who had not suffered the disease or had not been vaccinated were considered as the group at risk, with no inmmunological protection, and the vaccinated ones as the protected inmunized group. It is assumed that practically the whole collectivity gets into contact with the virus in a measles epidemic. The affected population consisted of 92 children: 41 males and 51 females. A total sum of 36 cases of measles was clinically diagnosed: 13 boys and 23 girls. Results: The highest incidence came from the age group of 12, 13 and 14 years old. The different measures of grecuency, epidemiological risk parameters and globar effectiveness of the vacien were calculated. The incidencie, among the nom vaccinated ones, was 84% and 15% among the vaccinated ones with a global effectiveness of the naccine of 82%. Conclusions: The effectiveness of the vaccine is similar to the one found in other studies. The risk of suffering. The disease for non-vaccinate people is extremely high.



