Survey on Users Satisfaction in the Zaidin-Sur Health Center of Granada (1989)


  • J. A. Aguado Mingorance
  • J. L. Gastón Morata
  • R. M. López Gigosos
  • A. Bueno Cavanillas
  • R. Rodriguez-Contreras Pelayo


In order to know the users?s degreee of satisfaction in the Primary Health Care Center of Zaidin-Sur in Granada, a survey has been carried out by means of a personal interview at home in an aleatory sample of 615 individuals. The cuestionnaire has 28 closed questions with multiple answer and collects sociodemographic variables, self-perception of health condition, acceptability of medical and nursery care. The interview was anonymous and carried out by nursery students of third year. The 52% of the sample expressed that his health level was ?excellent? or ?good? and it was worse when the educational leve1 was lower and the age was higher. The group of workers showed the highest valuation of health condition. The levels of trust on the doctor, the time of dedication and the information given to the patient reach slighty lower values than the ones found in literature; personal treatment and interest towards the patient have been valued the best. Center space structure and timetable have been the most penalized variables. We conclude that there is a need of improving the nursery service care a need of the information, from all the professionals working in the center, given to the patients on their problems, which are the cause of their going to the health consult, and the need of enlarging the space of the center.



