Environment Sanitation and Morbidity by Tipho-Paratyphoid Infections in Valencia


  • J. I. González Arraez
  • J. L. Alfonso Sánchez
  • S. Talamante Serrulla
  • S. Cortina Birlanga
  • A. Gil Mari


Background: We intend to study the evolution of morbidity by Tipho-Paratyphoid infecctions (TPI) in Spain and Valencia (1940-1990) as well as TPI morbidity and degree of sanitation in Valencia. Methods: Data related to morbidity, as well as the sanitation basic data in Valencia, have been obtained from official sources. Morbidity rates belonging to Spain and Valencia have been calculated. Results: It is fouud a decreasing trend of morbidity in Spain and Valencia. By Health Areas, a great decrease stands out in Valencia - City and, as a general rule, the highest rates belonged to the lowest automatic chlorination percentages. In general, there isan improvementtin chloration,sewers and sewage - depuration equipments. Conclusions: TPI morbidity in Spain shows a decreasing trend in both cases; it is more evident in Valencia when establishing a relation of TPI morbidity with the degree of hygiene by Health Areas of Valencia, an inverse relation appears and the highest rates belong to the interior Areas. The conclusion is that there is a remarkable improvement in the hygiene general situation in Valencia ; in the city as well as in all the Health Areas.



