Survey on the Sewage Management in a Health Area: Environmental Hygiene in Primary Health Care


  • J. García Cuadrado
  • C. Contessotto Spadetto
  • J. E. Pereííiguez Barranco
  • D. Fuster Quiñonero
  • R Paricio Núñez


Background: Within the scope of the Programmes to be developed by the Primary Health Care Parties, we consider it interesting to investigate the sewage management in our Health Area because of its impact on the population health and welfare and the main socioeconomic local activities: agriculture and tourism. Method: We carry out an epidemiological descriptive study: we review the most important structural and functional characteristics of the sewage depuration and collection in the municipality of S. Javier (Murcia). Results: The evaluation of the collected data made it obvious that deficiencies exist in the collection system as well as in the sewage processing; both deficiencies were shown in some places of the locality and in particular periods of the year, with a consequent risk of enviromnental contamination and enteric diseases transmission among population and smmner holidaymakers. Conclusions: A positive corrective action on the installations by the organisms responsible for the local sanitation as a response to these conclusions, which we informed due time, constitutes a gcod stimulant to go on investigating this question of such a great sanitary and general interest, which is almost unknown in medical literature.



