Use of Hospital Emergency Rooms


  • Margarita Alonso Fernández
  • Radhamés Hernández Mejía
  • Francisco del Busto Prado
  • Antonio Cueto Espinar


Background: The use of the emergency room of a hospital during a year has been studied. in the last few years, the use of hospital emergency rooms has increased alarmingly, and a large number of patients come by their own iniciative. With regard to this problem, we have considered it adecuate to carry out this survey, in order to konw the situation of hospital emergency rooms in our community. Methods: We carry out a retrospective study from an aleatory representative sample of patients, cared during a year (from june, 1987 to june 1988) in the hospital emergency room of a health area in Asturias. Results: Frecuentation was 116 per a thousand habitants a year and old-aged population constituted the lasgest number of people using this unit. The largest inflow of patients took place at 12 to 14 hours. Men carne with a signnificant higher frecuency than women. More than a half of patients carne upon their own iniciative. The percentaje of justified admissions and emergencies was significatively higher among the patients sent by a doctor than among those ones who came by their own iniciative, an it was higher when the doctor belonged to a Health Care Center, compared with doctors belonging to the traditional model. Conclusions: There exists a high index of non-justified emergencies and the hospital is used as a Primary Healath Care center.



